Autobiographical graphic narrative | Personal Freedom

Harjyot created a graphic story about freedom as a part of an open call initiated by the Goethe Institut India. In an ongoing collaboration between India and Germany, 400+ entries were sent in for the Open Call on the topic of Freedom. Of which, 25 were selected.

It was extremely rewarding to create this piece, and I think I speak for a lot of us when I say I’m glad to live in a time where there are so many avenues of self expression available.


The author wants to note that her idea of ‘India’ is shaped by the privileges she had growing up and is her own personal experience with these events. While her childhood and adolescent years were hard, the freedom that came from adulthood helped repair a lot of what became difficult earlier. She cannot wait to eat her mothers’ food again. 16 months away from India is way too long.


SCERT Sikkim

